Everything to Know About Dog’s Cataract Surgery: A Guide for Pet Parents

Cataracts in dogs can significantly impact their vision and overall quality of life. When cataracts progress to a point where they impair your furry friend’s vision and daily activities, cataract surgery may be recommended by your veterinarian at veterinary hospitals Virginia Beach. Understanding what to expect during this surgical procedure can help alleviate concerns and ensure a smooth process for both you and your canine companion.

Pre-Surgical Evaluation:

Before proceeding with cataract surgery, your veterinarian will conduct a thorough pre-surgical evaluation to assess your dog’s overall health and determine if they are a suitable candidate for the procedure. This evaluation may include blood tests, ocular examinations, and eye measurements to plan for the appropriate intraocular lens.

Consultation and Informed Consent:

Your veterinarian will discuss the details of the surgery with you during a consultation. This is an opportunity to address any concerns or questions you may have. It’s essential to understand the potential risks and benefits of the procedure, as well as the post-operative care required.

Anesthesia and Monitoring:

On the day of surgery, your dog will be placed under general anesthesia to ensure they are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. Veterinary staff will closely monitor vital signs throughout the surgery to ensure your dog’s safety.

Surgical Procedure:

Cataract surgery involves the removal of the cloudy lens and its replacement with an artificial intraocular lens. There are different surgical techniques, and veterinarians from Virginia Beach veterinary hospitals will choose the most appropriate one based on your dog’s specific condition. Phacoemulsification is a common method that uses ultrasonic vibrations to break the cataract into fragments for removal.

Post-Operative Care:

After surgery, your dog will need a period of recovery and post-operative care. This may include the use of eye medications to prevent infection and control inflammation. Your veterinarian will provide detailed instructions on administering medications, monitoring for complications, and scheduling follow-up appointments.

Adjusting to Vision Changes:

Cataract surgery aims to improve your dog’s vision, but there may be an adjustment period as they adapt to the changes. Be patient and provide your dog with a safe and familiar environment during this time. Gradually reintroduce activities and monitor their response to visual stimuli.

Potential Complications:

While cataract surgery is generally safe and effective, like any surgical procedure, there are potential complications. These can include infection, inflammation, or, in rare cases, retinal detachment. Regular follow-up appointments with your veterinarian are crucial to monitor your dog’s progress and address any issues promptly.

Long-Term Care:

Successful cataract surgery can significantly improve your dog’s quality of life. However, ongoing care is essential. Attend regular check-ups, monitor for any changes in vision, and follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for maintaining optimal eye health.

Financial Considerations:

Cataract surgery for dogs can be a significant financial investment. It’s essential to discuss the costs associated with the procedure, including pre-surgical evaluations, the surgery itself, and post-operative care. Some pet insurance plans may cover part of the expenses, so it’s worth exploring your options.


Cataract surgery for dogs is a well-established and successful procedure that can restore or enhance your furry friend’s vision. With advances in veterinary ophthalmology, many dogs experience improved sight and a better quality of life following surgery. As a pet owner, being well-informed about the process, actively participating in post-operative care, and maintaining regular veterinary check-ups are essential steps towards ensuring the best possible outcome for your dog’s vision health. Always consult your veterinarian to determine the most appropriate course of action for your pet’s needs.…

How to prepare pets for the autumn season?

It’s the time of the year when the sun gets lower in the sky, the breeze starts to get cold, and we tend to spend more time indoors. For pets, the fall is the time when they get all lazy and dreamy. Like humans, our pets also need to prepare themselves for the colder weather. Since September is the fall of the fall, this is the best time to prepare our dogs for winter. If you are in a dilemma about making appropriate changes for your pets, we recommend consulting veterinarians Virginia Beach for professional advice. 

Meanwhile, you can start with these things: 

Keep your pets well-groomed

In winter or colder weather, the pets’ thick coats allow them to stay warm and cozy. However, thick coats are susceptible to matting. If matted coats are not taken care of for a long time, it can lead to skin infections and bacterial infestation. In winter, invest extra time in keeping their hair clean and warm. You can also take help from professional groomers if you are unable to groom them.

Gardens are off-limit for pets.

During the winter season, many new foliages appear around the woods or parks. You might have notices clematis or chrysanthemum taking over that deserted yard. While they may look all colorful and tempting, they are, in reality, poisonous for animals. Besides certain vegetation, mushrooms are another autumn threat for pets. Thus, one must be careful when taking their pets for night walks. Ensure that they are adequately secured through a leash and don’t wander in the woods unattended. If you suspect that your pet has chomp down anything outside, waste no time in bringing them to Virginia Beach pet hospital

Beware of the snakes.

While winter is not a favorite season for snakes, they stay active during the autumn season. Snakes are excellent at camouflaging and often hard to spot. This makes them next to impossible to spot. Some snake species are not venomous, but plenty of snake species can be fatal for pets. Thus, pet parents need to take every measure to prevent any possible encounter with snakes. Making your surrounding snake-free includes cutting down overgrown vegetation, clearing fallen leaves, sealing possible snake hideouts, and using snake repellents. If you suspect a snake has beaten your pet, take them to the vet immediately.

Adjust the feeding time

With the change in the season, the feeding pattern of pets also changes. The change is feeding behavior is attributed to change in metabolism and schedule. Another reason for the change is the alteration in walking time. In summers, we usually prefer to take out pets for a walk in the morning, while during winters, we take them for an early evening strolls. During autumn, it’s best to prepare our pets for this transition. It’s recommended that you try to move the schedule gradually and steadily.…

Deadly Diseases in Dogs that Every Pet Owner Should Know About

Adopting a pet, whether a dog, cat, or fish, demands compassion, commitment, and dedication. They need attention and extensive care, even when they have grown old. Just like us, dogs, too, get sick. But they can’t express their pain and distress. It’s on us to keep vigil eyes on them. Since most illnesses and viral infections are fatal and contagious, it’s best to take them to Virginia Beach veterinarians near me for timely treatment.

So, how to know if your dog has contracted a deadly virus? What are the most common viral infections in dogs to be careful of? Here is a list. 

#1 Distemper

Canine distemper is a contagious viral infection that can transmit to your dog through the air or food bowl of an infected dog. Since the virus hardens the footpads and noses of dogs, it’s also known as hard pad disease. Although dogs of all breeds and ages are susceptible to distemper, puppies and young dogs are at higher risk of getting infected.

The symptoms of canine distemper are runny eyes, vomiting, coughing, fever, and paralysis. If you see any of these signs on your dog, check in to the nearest veterinary clinic. Sometimes, even medical intervention and support can fail to save the infected dog, thus giving your dog proper vaccines for such illnesses.

 2. Canine Parvovirus (parvo)

Canine Parvovirus is another dreaded viral infection. This highly contagious disease causes severe bloody diarrhea, vomiting, fever, lethargy, and nausea in infected puppies and dogs. This hard-to-kill virus attacks the intestine, heart, and other vital organs and can cause death.

Unvaccinated dogs and puppies have higher chances of contracting the virus. Only timely medical attention and intravenous fluid treatment can prevent the illness from becoming life-threatening. Like distemper, vaccination is the only way to avoid the infection.

3. Kennel cough

Kennel Cough is a contagious respiratory infection in canines. The illness can result in irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract. The disease can get from one infected dog to another by coming into direct contact, sharing an infected bowl, coughing, or using blankets. If you have an unvaccinated dog or a newly adopted puppy, spare no time in getting them vaccinated. The signs of kennel cough include lethargy, gagging, and heavy coughing.

4. Leptospirosis

This illness is caused by Leptospira bacteria, which commonly dwell in soil and water bodies. A dog can catch the disease by direct exposure to a contaminated environment or infected dog. Other ways to get in contact with the bacteria are urine-contaminated food, sharing contaminated bedding, or bite from a sick animal. If you suspect your dog to have muscle tenderness, dehydration, fever, jaundice, or lethargy, it’s best to take them to a veterinarian in Virginia Beach.

5. Heartworm

As the name suggests, heartworms are parasites that reside in an infected dog’s heart, blood vessels, and lungs. The parasite enters the body through mosquitos that are present all across the USA. If infected, the dog may experience lethargy, coughing, weight loss, and respiratory issues. The best and most effective way to prevent infection is through preventive medications.…

What is Fading Kitten Syndrome, and is it Fatal for Kittens?

A group of symptoms associated with a newborn kitten’s failure to thrive is Fading Kitten Syndrome (FKS). Up to 30% of cats are affected by the illness, which is frequently fatal, but early detection and prompt treatment from Virginia Beach animal hospital can boost your pet’s chance of survival.

When a kitten has fading kitten syndrome, its health starts to decline within the first few weeks after birth. Newborn cats are most vulnerable to infections during this period, typically lasting around 4-5 weeks. Even if there have been no prior sickness symptoms, a kitten with FKS may suddenly become unwell, unresponsive, or even pass away.

How does fading kitten syndrome develop?

A precise cause of FKS is sometimes impossible to pinpoint. In reality, 80% of the cases go untreated, making it impossible for vets to determine why some kittens become ill and perish while others recover. The disorder may have several underlying factors, some of which, if untreated, can quickly worsen health or even be fatal.

Fading Kitten Syndrome causes

When veterinarians can identify an FKS cause, it may include any of the following:

  • Obstacles during labor
  • maternal antibodies are absent
  • bacterial or viral infections
  • Unhealthy belly buttons (omphalophlebitis)
  • Parasites
  • genetic health problems with cats
  • Neonatal isoerythrolysis
  • a little birth weight
  • Trauma
  • Maternal abuse
  • Malnutrition
  • low body temperature

What symptoms manifest fading kitten syndrome?

Instead of being a single illness, fading kitten syndrome is a collection of symptoms in preterm and newborn kittens. It has several underlying causes and quickly deteriorates one’s health. Tragically, one of the early signs is the sudden loss of a little kitten.

Initially, the signs of fading kitten syndrome are minimal. Considering that kittens should acquire 0.35 ounces of weight every day, a kitten that isn’t putting on weight, losing weight, or lagging behind its littermates may have FKS.

Additionally, pay attention to the litter. It may also indicate fading kitten syndrome to see a passive kitten, a kitten that refuses to eat, or a kitten who seems to be left out of activities.

Fading kitten syndrome symptoms

Additional signs of a fading kitten include:

  • Weariness and frailty
  • the dull layer of hair
  • Lethargy
  • Hypothermia
  • arduous breathing
  • Excessive vocalization, insufficient meowing, or absence of other noises

What age is the onset of fading kitten syndrome?

From birth until they are withdrawn from their mother, or between the ages of six and eight weeks, kittens with fading kitten syndrome suffer.

You can best monitor the kitten’s eating habits and weight increase daily. By doing this, you’ll be able to see the early indications of FKS and consult your Virginia Beach vet hospital right away.

What is the duration of fading kitten syndrome?

It varies. Kittens can lose their appearance exceptionally rapidly (within hours) or more gradually over a few days or weeks. In the first few neonatal periods, most kittens who are impacted won’t survive. Usually, 75% to 95% of affected kittens survive until they are eight weeks old. 20% to 40% of them might not live past 12 weeks.

Is fading kitten syndrome contagious?

Microbial, fungal, protozoal, and internal and external parasites can all be pathogenic or contagious causes of FKS. Infections with bacteria can affect the digestive and respiratory systems, wounds, and the umbilical cord.

Treatment options for vanishing kitten syndrome

A cat that is losing strength usually dies despite receiving medical attention. To cure fading kitten syndrome on your own and offer your pet the best chance of recovery, there are certain actions you can do right now. In these circumstances, the kitten emergency plan entails:

  • Rub honey, sucrose solution, or Karo syrup on the kitten’s gums if they appear sluggish or weak to raise blood sugar levels.
  • To keep your kitten cozy, swaddle it in a towel. You may also place a hot water bottle or heating pad on the towel for added warmth.

It should be highlighted that these methods are merely transitory and shouldn’t be viewed as a treatment for FKS. Be careful to immediately contact your veterinarian or an animal hospital if you observe anything unusual about your kitten. Your vet will recommend the best alternative once the veterinarian has examined and tested your pet for worms or diseases.…